Quotable: Jayson Werth on monetary policy


Here's something you didn't expect to read today. The Washington Post has an article on the budding relationship between former Phillies outfielder and current member of the Nationals Jayson Werth and former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake. Ben's a big baseball fan down in DC. The two rubbed shoulders before a Nats game last year.

[Former Nationals Manager Davey] Johnson introduced Bernanke as the head of the Federal Reserve. Werth repeated the title, as if to make sure he had heard right.

Then, Bernanke recalled, "Jayson looks at me and says, 'Well, what's the deal with QE3 anyway?'"

Did not see that line coming. Then again, Werth may be the perfect guy to keep his eye on yields. Dude has plenty of money he can turn into more money.

QE3 if you're curious.

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